Laine Bradshaw

Educator, Researcher, Entrepreneur

Innovating assessment solutions that empower successful teaching and learning

Laine Bradshaw, Ph.D.

Dr. Laine Bradshaw has a Ph.D. in Research, Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics and is a tenured Associate Professor and Program Chair of Quantitative Methodology in the Mary Frances Early College of Education at the University of Georgia. Dr. Bradshaw created the Navvy assessment system and is CEO and Founder of Navvy Education, LLC.

Dr. Bradshaw’s work focuses on creating innovative assessments that are helpful for students, teachers, educational leaders, and educational researchers. In addition, she has collaborated with interdisciplinary research teams to create a number of multidimensional assessments for diagnosing knowledge, skills, and abilities. Her research is published in high-quality, peer-reviewed journals and has been recognized by awards from her field and her university. Dr. Bradshaw serves regularly as a technical consultant for state, district, and other large-scale testing systems; as a professional learning provider for school districts; and as a speaker for national events.

My Assessments

NAVVY® Assessment System

School districts use the formative, classroom-embedded Navvy assessment system to provide real-time monitoring of standard-by-standard learning within and across grades. Navvy provides clear results to personalize learning by using a novel data-analytic approach and a student-friendly design. Learn more about using Navvy in your school district.

Student Outcome Measures

Are you searching for a validated student outcome measure for your research that is more specific than typical measures? Do you want to measure one or more specific math or ELA standard? We have an assessment you can use for each standard in grades 3-8 and select high school courses. Learn more about utilizing Navvy assessments in your research.

Diagnostic Inventories

Through Dr. Bradshaw’s research, she has worked with interdisciplinary research teams to create various multidimensional, diagnostic measures. Measures include those diagnosing teacher multiplicative reasoning, teacher fraction knowledge, student probabilistic reasoning, and community autism knowledge. Learn more about using these measures in your research.

Let's Connect!

Contact Dr. Bradshaw to ask questions or collaborate, follow her on LinkedIn, and check Navvy out on Facebook and Instagram.


Grant Work

Dr. Bradshaw’s research has been funded by the federal programs such as the National Science Foundation and the Institute of Educational Sciences. Through these funded projects, Dr. Bradshaw has advanced innovative psychometric methods that enable reliable diagnoses of multidimensional knowledge structures. Products from these projects include measures or instruments that may be used by researchers and educators, as well as research publications.


Dr. Bradshaw regularly presents at national conferences on assessment, measurement, and psychometrics. She has been an invited speaker for organizations such as National Council of Measurement in Education, American Educational Research Association, the Charter System Foundation, and the Georgia Association of Curriculum and Instructional Supervisors. She provides professional learning about classroom and large scale assessment topics.


Dr. Bradshaw’s research is published in high-quality journals such as Psychometrika, Journal of Educational Measurement, Applied Psychological Measurement, and Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice. She has also published book chapters, technical reports, and software.